Frequently Asked Questions
Below are frequently asked questions about financial management services, working with a financial advisor, or how we serve our clients at MHP Asset Management. Have a question that we haven't covered? We'd really love to hear from you - contact us by phone or email.
Financial & Asset Management Services
Financial management & asset/portfolio management services in Portland, Maine and New Hampshire
Retirement Management
401k/403b Plan Analysis
Manage Your 401(k)/403(b)
Data suggests 70% of people feel they don't get enough help managing their 401(k)/403(b) plan. We analyze your current holdings and allocations, make suggestions based on your needs and objectives, and ensure you are not paying excess fees.
Income Planning
Savings that Produce Income
By redesigning your portfolio to shift from the accumulation phase to the distribution phase, we can assure that the retirement savings start to produce income for you.